Hello,I am Mridul Dubey

About me

I am first year undergraduate at IIT Kanpur,i love to explore things currently I am working with team ERA here at IITK through which i learn more in field robotics

i also love to develop app and website, wnated to do a course of ML as soon as possible.. i am currently been apointed as secretary for p club and i would like to contribute for club as much as i can

For recreation purpose I do CP ,and play games..


Grind until your idols become your's rivals. GRINDING!!

Web Development

Quite good at HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT.... New at field of backend ,working with Node.js as primary tool

Mobile Development

love to make android app... Soon come up with app for both android and ios using react


Languages that i love to work with are python,java,javascript,C++


Database that i work with are MongoDB,SQLite,MySQL,Firebase


Image processing with help of openCV(C++,python)... Knows some basic in ROS and working with team to know more in field of robotics

Data Science

Some libraries to which i am familiar are Numpy,Scikit-Learn,Pandas,Matplotlib,Scipy


Some projects that i had make...